My 19 year old sister wants a baby!!! HELP!!? - 18 month old baby died december 2009 sids
My sister and her boyfriend of 3 years had a son. Unfortunately, she died at 18 months to 6 months. Now we have another and I think they want to be tough. She always thinks that she is pregnant and said she has symptoms.
The trick is that I'm pregnant and I am now 6 weeks prego! I told him the news and it's sad because I know she wanted a child, but at the same time is excited, because this is an aunt again!
It was to be taken before childbirth and he is not his fault, and could be the fault of the boys. I also think it is too early for a baby for her, but also may be what they really want to improve things.
You look so depressed and what happens if they become pregnant. Someone went through what have they done? Any tips?
Advice is greatly appreciated.
My sister experienced the same thing and was very hard on our family. What seemed the most is that the console has been with her first child, which means that most likely has the ability to become pregnant to get pregnant again.
Your sister can try to ease the pain of his son's death by another child, or she could be depressed because he had started his family, then it was taken away and she wants to feel again mother (and of course there are a mother for her child).
I have also heard that depression in the path of becoming pregnant, but I have not a precise reference.
If you can not get pregnant, there are many children who need a loving home, and can be adopted. Her sister and her boyfriend have options, you need to know.
I've heard that sometimes when you try too hard when it does not. This is why some people assume, and then become pregnant. And I had a colleague who has tried, and with her boyfriend and never tried to become pregnant. After the break, had the opportunity one night and got pregnant. And he had a son with another woman who either do not get wrong. It just happens when you think about Stressin, I.
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